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Detox Diet

Limda, Director Lim's story

88 kg.

​​ I'm talking about my past weight.


Diet supplements, appetite suppressants, exercise, fasting...

Consequences of regular and repetitive diets

It is the amount of body fat that is increasing.

Re-steamed with yo-yo

I'm gaining a lot of body fat.

waste products, edema → body fat

→ waste + body fat = cellulite

→ lower metabolism → more waste products, edema

If you think, 'Your body isn't what it used to be'

Detoxifies waste products, edema, and body fat

Let's break the vicious circle in a healthy way.


​You have to come in person for customized herbal medicine.

Anyone who hasn't gained weight  

"Why are you so fattening by eating something like that?

  You can't eat it."


But everyone is like that

There's a reason it can't be.


Different people have different 'causes of weight gain'

If you don't take a look

A yo-yo will definitely come.


Diet foods, products, and drugs on the market.

It's not just for me

Will it really work for you?


For Limda of Kyungheerim Da Oriental Clinic

no matter how far away

You must come for a pulse.

Diet herbal medicine that is prescribed in bulk

It's not in Rimda, unless you come in person

I can't make herbal medicines for you.


Please think about it before you come.

1. Why do you want to lose weight?

2. How much weight do you want to lose?

3. What do you think will improve if you lose weight?

4. Are there any clothes you would like to wear after losing weight?

5. What does your body mean to you?


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